1 - 3 March 2021 - Singapore
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM) is an international leading conference series in formal methods and software engineering. Since 1997, ICFEM has been serving as an international forum for researchers and practitioners who have been seriously applying formal methods to practical applications. Researchers and practitioners, from industry, academia, and government, are encouraged to attend, present their research, and help advance the state of the art. ICFEM is interested in work that has been incorporated into real production systems, and in theoretical work that promises to bring practical and tangible benefit. ICFEM has been hosted in many countries around the world. Papers at ICFEM are fully refereed and proceedings are published by Springer LNCS and IEEE Press.
This year's ICFEM will be held in Singapore right before the 25th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2020) in Singapore. We would like to encourage you to attend both conferences with one business trip.
Important notice: the ICFEM steering committee has decided to delay the conference to 1 ~ 3 March, 2021, and the meeting will be in a mixed-mode of physical and virtual meeting. Authors are required to register for one of the modes. See the registration section below.
Submissions related to the following principal themes are encouraged, but any topics relevant to the field of formal engineering methods and their practical applications will also be considered:
The ICFEM 2020 meeting will be in a mixed-mode: there will be a combination of physical meeting and virtual meeting running in parallel. If you are an author and you cannot travel to Singapore, please choose to register for "Virtual Meeting (Author)". If you are not an author and you would like to attend the virtual meeting, please choose "Virtual Meeting (Non-author)". For both authors and non-authors, if you would like to attend the physical meeting, please choose "Physical Meeting".
Note that we require each accepted paper to have at least one author registration; otherwise, the paper may be retracted.
Physical Meeting | Virtual Meeting (Author) | Virtual Meeting (Non-author) | |
Price | 900 SGD | 300 SGD | 100 SGD |
We have negotiated with the ICECCS 2020 steering committee, and we have agreed upon a discount for the combined registration of physical meetings of both conferences. If you plan to attend both conferences in person, we highly recommend you to use the following registration link. The registration fee is 1260 SGD.
Physical Meeting (ICFEM 2020 + ICECCS 2020) | |
Price | 1260 SGD |
Important notice: Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 situation, the meeting will be a combination of physical and virtual meeting.
The physical meeting will take place at the National University of Singapore.
More info later.
Rajeev Goré is an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University. He obtained his PhD from the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge in 1992. Before that he was at the University of Melbourne, completing a BSc (hons I) with a double major in Physics and Computer Science, and an MSc in design automation. He was the Associate Director of Research for the Research School of Computer Science and the Leader of the Logic and Computation Group at the ANU. His research interests include electronic voting and vote-counting, proof methods for non-classical logics, term rewriting, interactive theorem proving, automated reasoning and logic.
Title: Modular Synthesis of Certifying STV Counting Programs
Abstract: I will first explain STV counting and the parlous state of computer-counting code implemented by various Election Commissions from around Australia. I will then explain how we used Coq to specify a "vanilla" version of STV as a proof-calculus and used it to extract a computer program which not only counts votes according to this specification but also produces a certificate during the count. The specification of the certificate is derived from the counting rules. We have proved, in Coq, that if the certificate is correct with respect to its specification, then the result it encapsulates must be correct with respect to the relevant specification of STV. The certificate is designed so that an average third-year computer science student could write a computer program to check the correctness of the certificate. In particular, each political party could hire their own programmer to easily scrutiny the count produced by any computer program, including our own, that produces such certificates. The only caveat is that we require the publication of all ballots.
Jun Sun is an Associate Professor at Singapore Management University. Before joining SMU he worked at Singapore University of Technology and Design between 2010 and 2019. He was a Lee Kuan Yew Postdoc Fellow at the National University of Singapore, where he obtained his PhD in 2006. He played important roles in developing sFuzz -- a smart contract fuzzer which is based on and extends the well-known AFL fuzzer for C programs, and PAT (Process Analysis Toolkit) -- a self-contained framework for to support composing, simulating and reasoning of concurrent, real-time systems and other possible domains.
Title: Towards a Unified Framework for Neural Network Analysis
Abstract: Neural networks are a new form of programs. Like traditional programs, they suffer from bugs (e.g., adversarial samples), backdoors (e.g., embedded malicious neurons) and so on. Thus, the increasing relevance of neural networks in safe-critical systems demands systematic, scalable and rigorous methods and tools to analyze their safety and reliability. Unlike traditional programs, they are not built on logic but rather the result of statistical learning (i.e., black-box optimization). Thus, new methods and tools must be developed. In this work, I will present our ongoing effort on building a unified framework for analyzing a variety of neural networks against a variety of properties for solving a variety of analysis tasks (e.g., testing, deterministic verification, probabilistic verification, and repair). We invite the community to jointly develop the framework further.
Sanjit A. Seshia is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. He received an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and a B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. His research interests are in formal methods for dependable and secure computing, with a current focus on the areas of cyber-physical systems, computer security, machine learning, and robotics. He has made pioneering contributions to the areas of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), SMT-based verification, and inductive program synthesis. He is co-author of a widely-used textbook on embedded, cyber-physical systems and has led the development of technologies for cyber-physical systems education based on formal methods. His awards and honors include a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the Frederick Emmons Terman Award for contributions to electrical engineering and computer science education, the Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on CAD, and the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCCPS) Mid-Career Award. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE.
Title: Verified Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy
Abstract: Verified artificial intelligence (AI) is the goal of designing AI-based systems that have strong, verified assurances of correctness with respect to mathematically-specified requirements. This goal is particularly important for autonomous and semi-autonomous systems. In this talk, I will consider Verified AI from a formal methods perspective and with a special focus on autonomy. I will describe the challenges for and recent progress towards attaining Verified AI, with examples from the domain of intelligent cyber-physical systems, with a particular focus on autonomous vehicles and aerospace systems.
Accepted papers are listed here. Please refer to the ICFEM 2020 proceedings.
The paper "Embedding Approximation in Event-B: Safe Hybrid System Design Using Proof and Refinement" by Guillaume Dupont, Yamine Aït-Ameur, Neeraj K. Singh, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Tsutomu Kobayashi, and Marc Pantel is awarded the Best Paper of ICFEM 2020.
Download the program here.
Note that the workshop may have its own schedule for tea breaks and closing time. Please refer to the link below for more information.
The 10th International Workshop on SOFL + MSVL for Reliability and Security (SOFL+MSVL 2020), 1 March 2021
ICFEM'18 is an outstanding opportunity for you to reach the ‘thought leaders’ in this industry with your message, and for your Software Engineering team to network and exchange ideas with their peers in this unique and innovative forum.
Sponsors are offered the opportunity to reach over 100 software engineering experts, including researchers and industry practitioners such as developers, QA and engineering managers.
New sponsorship are welcome and any entity wishing to become an official sponsor may contact the sponsorship chair.
Jin Song Dong, NUS and Griffith University, Singapore/Australia Jim McCarthy, Defence Science and Technology, Australia
Shang-Wei Lin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Zhe Hou, Griffith University, Australia Brendan Mahony, Defence Science and Technology, Australia
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Hadrien Bride, Griffith University, Australia
Lei Ma, Kyushu University, Japan Weiyi Shang, Concordia University, Canada Xiaoning Du, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference. The proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 16 pages (including references) in the Springer's LNCS format. Additional material may be placed in an appendix, to be read at the discretion of the reviewers and to be omitted in the final version. Formatting style files and further guidelines for formatting can be found at the Springer website (more details here). Submissions should be made through the ICFEM 2020 submission page, handled by the EasyChair conference management system.
Access submission portalCopyright form for accepted papers can be downloaded here.
The ICFEM PhD Symposium is an international forum for PhD students studying all areas related to formal methods for software and system development. This forum is a good opportunity for PhD students to bring together PhD students and established and known researchers of the formal methods community; provide PhD students with fruitful feedback and advice on their research approach; enable PhD students to interact with other PhD students and to stimulate exchange of ideas suggestions and experiences among participants; provide PhD students an opportunity to present, share and discuss their research in a constructive and critical atmosphere.
We seek PhD students who have either determined the direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary results already published), but who still have substantial work to complete, or PhD student participants who are in the early stages of their dissertations. It is not required to have a paper accepted for the main conference in order to participate to the ICFEM’2020 Doctoral Symposium.
More info see the doctoral symposium page.
Full Paper Submissions Due: 1 May 17 May 24 May (AOE) 2020
Workshop/Tutorial Proposals Due: 20 March 2020
(Send your proposal by email to Hadrien Bride)
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: 5 July 9 July 2020
Camera-ready Due: 17 July 24 July 2020